Trapping Water Rights

Guidelines & Sample Letter

Guidelines for Corresponding with your legislators

Hey everyone,

In the State of Georgia, you have a Constitutional Right to hunt, fish and trap. It can be found in the Georgia Constitution Article I. Bill of Rights, Section I. Rights of Persons Paragraph XXVIII (28) Hunting and Fishing. It is important for all our members to understand this because the very reason the Georgia Trappers Association was founded was to fight for and protect our right to trap. It is my responsibility as the Legislative/Congressional Director to inform the GTA membership when action is required on behalf of the membership to write letters, emails and make phone calls should an issue arise.

Currently there is an issue as it pertains to navigable waterways in the state of Georgia that could have a negative impact on us as trappers should wording not be included that would protect our right to trap these waters. It is incumbent upon us to be the professionals we are. It is our goal to politely professionally inform and educate those in the capital as to our position and concerns. The Officers and
Directors of the GTA have drafted an “Official Position Statement” for the Georgia Trappers Association. I encourage each of you to become familiar with it and to use it to help draft your letters and emails to the appropriate Representatives and Senators. I have included a “Form Letter” for you to use as a guide is you would like.

Here are some tips that I hope will help you in drafting your correspondence with these Representatives and Senators.
1) DO NOT be negative or confrontational. This would be counterproductive to what we are trying to accomplish and reflect negatively on the GTA. A form letter is provided as a guide if you would like and the GTA Position paper is provided so that you can have the GTA perspective on the issues, concerns and desired outcomes.
2) Address the direct letters to the politicians by their title Representative or Senator followed by their last name. If writing to one of their aids address it to Mr. or Mrs. followed by their last name.
3) First reach out to YOUR House and Senate Representatives. Then those members on the study committee and finally both the House and Senate Natural Resources Committee.
4) The more GTA members who take the time to communicate with these House and Senate Leaders the more likely we will be able to accomplish our goal.
Again, please keep it polite and professional. I will address this issue again in the upcoming GTA newsletter. Thank you all for everything you do.

Harry J. Thiel
H. J. (Joey) Thiel
GTA Legislative/Congressional Director

9969 GA Hwy 102 W
Mitchell, GA 30820

Georgia Trappers Association

9969 GA Hwy 102 W
Mitchell, GA 30820

We are a non-profit organization.

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