GTA Adult Field Trial

Georgia Trappers Association Annual Adult Trapping Field Trials
Entry Fee: $30.00
Date & Location: January 24 – 26, 2025 – Twin Lakes – Ellaville, GA

All GTA members in good standing are welcome to enter our state championship field trial. This is a great chance to fellowship with other trappers and test your trapping skills. We all think we are pretty good… now is the chance to prove it, and have a good time while doing so. The competition will start Friday at 8:00 a.m., the entry fee is $30.00. All proceeds and animals from the tournament will be donated to the GTA. Please remember this is a tournament and not a training seminar. If you are interested in participating or being a judge please contact: Mike Gibson or Josh Hall. The field trail will last until Sunday afternoon. At that time, all traps will be pulled and the scores will be tallied.

The rules of the field trial are as follows:

  1. All state laws will be observed.
  2. Trappers will be expected to bring their own supplies, all traps must be legal for the
    state of Georgia.
  3. Areas to be trapped will be drawn on the first day of the competition.
  4. There will be a limit of 12 traps per person. These may be set as wet or dry land sets.
  5. All game caught will be donated to the Georgia Trappers Association.
  6. All trappers will be required to check in at tournament headquarters each morning before checking their traps.
  7. Anyone caught tampering with another trappers’ sets will be disqualified.
  8. Trappers will be accompanied by a judge when checking the traps.
  9. Points will be awarded for all game as follows:
    Coyote, Otter, Mink = 50
    Bobcat, Red Fox = 40
    Beaver, Gray Fox, nutrient = 30
    Coon, Muskrat = 20
    Opossum, Skunk = 10
    * Plus one point per animal.
  10. There will be trophies given to the trappers with the top 3 scores.
  11. The Georgia Trappers Association reserves the right to question any trapper on conduct
    or sportsmanship.
  12. No one will be allowed on the trap line except the trapper and the judge designated to
    that particular area.